Sunday, July 17, 2011

Today's Flowers

Let's hear it for the humble, friendly daisy! 
[To see more of Today's Flowers, go here.]


  1. Very pretty. The dark background enhances the beauty of the flowers.

  2. The daisy is one of my favorite flowers - maybe not showy, but always friendly and cheerful, attributes I look for and enjoy in my friends! :-) Thank you for giving the daisy its due with this striking photo!

  3. Your humble, friendly daisy is a delight to the eye. Great photo!

  4. The daisy is certainly right up there on top of my list of favorites, and these are gorgeous

  5. These daisies looks like a sunflowers on close-up. They are beautiful!

  6. Wonderful, wonderful shot!! The color, texture and composition is eye-catching. The main daisy is tack sharp, and the dark background makes them pop!! Brava! I grew up in Brooklyn; but, visited the Garden maybe only once or twice -- sigh -- but, that was before photography came into my life --lol.
