Wednesday, February 15, 2012

52 Photos Project

The prompt this week: revisit one from the last year.
My choice is Week One: Nourish
I'm glad to go back to the beginning of this meme,
since I was several weeks late to the party. When I visit the
greenmarket, I sometimes feel guilty about buying flowers
—then I remind myself that they nourish my soul every bit
as much as the veggies, etc. I buy there nourish my body.

And who wouldn't love to
wake up to this sight?

[To see more of the 52 Photos
Project, visit Bella's meme.]


  1. beautiful images...especially love the the small bouquet placed by the window. a lovely sight to wake up to indeed!

    i bought flowers for myself at the market two weeks ago. i'm planning on doing it again this week...hoping to make it more regular, as you do. it *is* nourishing, isn't it?!

  2. magnificent photos of beautiful flowers ~namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  3. Such a lovely gift to nourish yourself with.
    A lovely & colorful bunch to look at.

  4. Yes. Yes. Yes! We should always nourish ourselves. And flowers are perfect way to do this as they nourish us by surrounding us with beauty, making us feel good inside each time we happen to pass by them in our home/s. Love your interpretation this week.

  5. Yes, a wonderful nourishment to all the senses!
